The wide choice of the laboratory, auxiliary and disinfectant equipment for medical institutions is presented in a November issue of the laboratory newspaper.

-Tight containers for resocks of biological tests and the antineoplastic preparations, corresponding to requirements the ISO;
-The anti-tampering bag  SSB for transportation of samples in medical establishments, from bed of the patient to laboratory, preventing test substitution;
-The control of microbic seeding in operational, in rooms of patients with immunodeficiency, in maternity hospitals by air sampler SAS Super.
-Automatic autoclaves of new generation Beta and Timo;
-Sterilisation of needles, loops, necks of test tubes by  infra-red sterilizer Bacteria Safe 2;
-The continuous air flow bacteria reducer “GERMREDUC”
-Microbiological laminar boxing Blu Space 2, dedicated to biological protection classe;
-Safe sterilisation by formalin of hospital chambers, laboratories, mortuaries by automatic device Formalintec.
You may order new PBI catalogues:
"Microbiological laboratory: traditional and new"
"Hospital appliances"

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